• Assistance Dogs Offer Many Benefits

    Assistance dogs are not just for blind or visually impaired people. Today, these dogs help people with a range of conditions enjoy full lives. Guide Dogs Guide dogs, also known as Seeing Eye dogs, help blind and visually impaired people live independent lives. These dogs "see" for their owners and

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  • Can Pets Sense Pregnancy?

    Your pets probably don't understand that in nine months a new baby will be joining your family, but dogs and cats do detect differences in mood, posture, behavior, and body chemistry that clue them that an enormous change is happening. Your dog or cat will pick up other signs, too: Our four legged

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  • Creating A Pet Friendly Yard

    Yard Plants Can Be Toxic "A few usual plants you might never think to suspect are baby's breath (for dogs and cats), elephant ears (for dogs and cats), and grapefruit (toxic to dogs, cats and horses)," says Caitlin Williams in Pets and Backyard Poisons. Jenna Trethewey, a care

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  • Does Your Bird Need a Blankie?

    The answer to that is …it depends on the situation. Some birds prefer to remain uncovered during bedtime; where as other birds cannot sleep without their "security blankets". On average, birds need about 12 hours of good, quality sleep each night to remain in peak condition. Much like

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  • A Guide to Pet Nutrition

    In 2007, several million bags of pet food were recalled in the United States due to contamination. Though some of the recalls were done by the manufacturers voluntarily to "be safe," some of the recalled food was found to have contaminated vegetable proteins. Several pets unfortunately died, and even

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